One that was with interference, and one that was without. That means that everytime history is changed to any degree, there is a split where two outcomes exist. So how would such a massive merge take place though? Well the CC is also said to, "heal the scars of time." But what exactly is a scar of time to begin with? The way I see it, a scar of time is where a timeline splits. This is implied by the very description of the item noted by the ghost of Crono at the end of the game, "it can cross space and time and unify people's thoughts and feelings transfer memories draw on the sounds of the six colored Elements to produce a healing harmony, and combine the sounds of the world into one melody." It basically hits the reset button on all of existence, and rewrites reality in a way that everything exists in one timeline. No given what we know, and the description of what is given for the Chrono Cross, I believe it merges EVERY alternate reality into one single timeline. Surely if it could do that, it would do more than just merge two realities and stop there.

I mean, healing the scars of time with the Chrono Cross is enough to stop a creature that would otherwise devour every reality in existence. I have never been a fan of this as it creates more questions than it does answers, nor is there any indication that it would be limited to those two realities alone. However many people seem to think that it only merges the two worlds from the game it is used in.
We do not really know what the full extent of the Chrono Cross' power really is, as it was never specified. After making this my main focus, I realized the answer was right in front of me the whole time and developed a new theory (at least I have never thought of it before). In a world where we have to accept that we will not be getting a new entry to the Chrono IP, I find myself thinking about how certain plot points (such as the fall of Guardia and the future of Zenan) could have a conclusion within mainline canon.